On Wednesday, June 16, the OVMA hosted the Animal Housing Issues Symposium. Nearly a hundred veterinarians, students, and other animal welfare officials attended the day-long educational event. The audience heard ethical perspectives from Dr. Candace Croney, associate professor of animal behavior and bioethics at The Ohio State University. Dr. Harold Gonyou of the Prarie Swine Centre in Canada lectured on swine housing and the pros and cons of various systems in place today. Dr. Jim Reynolds, chief of service for on-farm medicine at the University of California, gave information on appropriate veal housing and issues regarding cattle tail docking. Finally, Michigan State University’s Director of Animal Welfare Dr. Janice Swanson spoke on laying hen housing and both the health and productivity pros and cons of various systems. Following the speakers’ presentations, attendees were given the chance to ask questions of the panel of speakers. The symposium wrapped up with an attendee dialogue moderated by OVMA President Dr. Jason Johnston. The symposium received high marks from the 92 attendees for depth of content and balance. For those who were unable to attend, or who would like to share the information presented with colleagues, the OVMA will be making available the PowerPoint presentations, as well as recordings of the entire symposium. More details on how to obtain these materials will be posted on the Web site in the next week. For alternate views on various these issues, please visit the OVMA’s online Animal Housing Resources Page.
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