Recognizing and reporting animal abuse, customizable templates, legal requirements, training, and FAQs.
One-page handouts, brochures, and other printable or online resources on a variety of pet-related topics.
Webinars, podcasts, practice management-related topics, and current upates.
Terminology, education, raising awareness, self- and organization-level assessments, and creating policies around diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Working with pharmacists and clients, writing prescriptions, controlled substances, and opioid diversion awareness.
Guidance on how to plan for a disaster, required supplies, safety considerations, and dealing with an emergency.
Scientific, ethical, and other guidelines for the practice of veterinary medicine, as established by national veterinary and animal care associations.
Stress management and relief, suicide prevention, substance abuse, mental health issues, work-life balance, handling conflict, and where to find help.
Links to relevant information on the laws and codes that govern the practice of veterinary medicine, primarily in Ohio.
Resources for practice owners and managers, including human resources, mentorship, inventory, security, communication, and safety.
Job searches, resumes, interviewing, negotations, and more geared toward new or soon-to-be veterinarians.
Resources to help you understand your student loans, manage your debt, budget effectively, and options for repayment.
Can't find what you're looking for, or have a specific scenario you need help with? Send us your question, and we'll give you the answers you need or point you in the right direction.
Note: This feature is for OVMA Members only.