Whether you are on a first name basis with your elected official or you don’t know their name, we need your help at Legislative Day.
We’ll make all your appointments for you, provide complimentary lunch, brief you on the issues, and direct you where to go. All we need from you is your experience and insight!
Event Details
- Date: Wed., April 30
- Time: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Location:
The Capital Suites Hotel
50 South Front Street
Columbus, OH 43215
- Who should attend: All OVMA members are encouraged to participate, even if you can only attend part of the day.
- Cost: FREE for OVMA members!
- Registration opens March 15
- Registration ends March 28
Note: This early registration deadline allows time for scheduling legislative visits which can be challenging to book during the busy legislative session.
What to expect
- Learn about current legislative issues impacting veterinary medicine and animal care in Ohio
- Meet one-on-one with your elected officials
- Educate your Representative and Senator about issues affecting the veterinary profession
- Develop an invaluable relationship with your legislators
For more information, please Contact
Michael Guastella, Government Relations Counsel
Email: michael@gpgrhr.com
Phone: (614) 461-9335