Food Animal Externship

Purpose of the Program

This externship opportunity has been established to facilitate the exploration of food animal medicine as a viable career path among veterinary medicine students. The program also encourages and supports OVMA food animal practitioners in developing mentorship opportunities and, potentially, future associate veterinarians.

The mentorship was amazing, and I learned so much... I am more confident in my abilities and am more driven than ever to be my absolute best.
—Erin F., Student Extern

Determination of Grants

In requesting funds, practices are asked to indicate what portions of the grant will be used for compensation, lodging and food. Grant requests are subject to approval in form and amount, or disapproval, by a Committee that has been appointed by the OVMA President for such purposes. Any OVMA member whose practice has submitted an application for the program is not eligible to serve on this Committee.

Deadline to Apply

In order to be considered for the externship program, interested practices must submit their applications by March 29.

Approved Practices

To be eligible to receive a grant, food animal medicine must make up at least 25 percent of your practice’s activity. This includes bovine, swine, ovine, poultry, or aquaculture veterinary medicine. However, the Committee may approve other areas on a case-by-case basis.

Only practices located in Ohio qualify for the program, and at least half of the practicing veterinarians must be members in good standing with the OVMA. Practices must also agree to engage students in food animal medicine for the majority of the externship, as well as match OVMA externship funds dollar for dollar. If your practice meets these criteria, you may be awarded up to $1,500.

Participating practices also agree to be responsible for and to hold harmless the OVMA from all employment responsibilities and liabilities.

See Also: Student Eligibility Information ❯❯

Amount & Use of Funds

OVMA has a total of $8,000 in matching grant funds available to eligible practices who host one or more students. The maximum award is $1,500.

These funds may be used to host one student or multiple students simultaneously. Practices participating in the program may only use grant monies for the following reasons:

  • Compensation to the student
  • Scholarship funds to be used toward the student(s)’ education
  • Stipends for lodging and/or food
  • Appropriate clothing and/or equipment needed to perform externship duties

If for any reason, students do not complete the externship, unused funds shall be returned to the OVMA within 30 days.