Classified Listings

We have moved!

On Aug. 1, 2023, OVMA launched its new Career Center platform! Now you have more options when posting classifieds, including:

  • A variety of upgrades to help your ad stand out
  • Choose from 30- or 90-day duration
  • Ability to cross-post to other job search platforms
  • Pay by credit card or request an invoice
  • And more!

Advertiser FAQs

I had an account on the old site. Do I need to create a new account?

If your account was active (i.e., you had an ad running at the time or have posted an ad this year), your account was transferred to the new platform.

My account was transferred. What is my password?

On the employer login page, click the forgot password link under the "existing users" header and enter the email address you used on the old site. You will receive an email with instructions for setting a password. If you cannot remember what email address you used, please contact us.

I had an active ad during the transition. Has my ad been transferred over to the new site?

Yes, all ads have been imported and assigned to your account. If you cannot find yours after logging in to the new platform, please contact us.

Can I post for-sale/for-rent listings on the Career Center?

Yes! On the listing page, you will see a "Job Function" drop down in the "Job Basics" section. Simply select the option that best describes what you are advertising.

Can my ad be placed in the print newsletter?

Yes, a limited number of display ads are available in each issue of the OVMA newsletter, but you cannot purchase them via the Career Center. Please see the following for more information:

I need help. Whom should I contact?

Please visit the Career Center FAQs page or reach out to our customer support team via email at or by phone at 860-437-5700.